Monark 939 E
Operation interferences
It is normally considered that about 70 % of all shutdowns on small computers are caused by mains interferences,
i.e. at shot over voltage. These interferences can often be caused by different machinery, which is started or
stopped. The processor in the computer is then reacting incorrectly or is not working at all. The problems can be
solved by means of a mains interference protector, which is connected between the mains and the transformer.
Åstrand I, ”Aerobic work capacity in men and women with special reference to age”, Acta Physiol Scand.
49 (suppl. 169), 1960.
Åstrand P-O, ”Experimental studies of physical working capacity in relation to sex
and age”, Munksgaard,
Köpenhamn, 1952.
Åstrand P-O, Rodahl K, ”Textbook ofWork Physiology”, McGraw-Hill, New York,
Bruce RA, Kusumi F, Hosmer D, ”Maximal oxygen intake and nomographic as
sessment of functional
aerobic impairment in cardiovascular disease”, Am Heart J 85:546-562,1973.
Naughton J, ”Exercise Testing and Exercise Training in Coronary Heart Disease”,
Academic Press, New
York, 1973.
Golding L. A. Myers C. R, Sinning W. E, ”Y´s way to physical fitness” YMCA of
the USA, Rosemont, IL,
Wilson P. K, Bell C. W, Norton A. C, ”Rehabilitation of the heart and lungs”, Beckman
Åstrand P-O, ”Ergometri - konditionsprov”, Monark, Sverige.
Where to obtain additional information
The user may require more information concerning several areas of the ergometer usage. This manual was
intended to instruct the reader primarily in the operation of the ergometer. References are made to related topics
in the discussions concerning the testing procedures and the protocol operation sections. The following literature
may provide some greater insight to ergometer-based testing without confusing the reader with technical medical
terms. Both texts were written specifically to provide basic understanding of the testing methodology and results.
Attention is paid to details concerning programme set-up and management.
Golding L. A, Myers C. R, Sinning W. E, Y´s way to physical fitness“, YMCA of the USA, Rosemont, IL,
Åstrand P-O, “Work Tests with the Bicycle Ergometer“, Monark AB, Varberg, Sweden
For more technical details, see the section entitled “Reference“.