6.2.3 Changing input parameters and
output parameters
If allowed by the access rights of the cur-
rent access level and the currently loaded
preset, all parameters for the input chan-
nels and output channels (e. g. gain, filter
parameters, delay times, dynamic range
limitation) can be changed by means of the
well-arranged computer views (
ter 8). If no computer is available, the
changes can be directly made at the ampli-
1) If required, (repeatedly) press the button
ESC (2) to exit a menu item previously
called up so that the name of the ampli-
fier and the name of the currently loaded
preset are shown on the display.
2) Press the knob SELECT/
ENTER (5).
The input or output most recently edited
will be shown, e. g.:
Out 3 Ƌ Gain
3) The arrow points to the parameter that
can be selected by turning the knob.
In this example, it is possible to select
between the outputs and inputs
(Out 1/2/3, In 1/2). Linked inputs are
shown as
In 12
, for example, and can
only be jointly changed.
4) Press the knob to confirm the selection.
5) Turn the knob to change the value
6) In some submenus, the knob can be
pressed to go to the next parameter to
be set.
7) To go back to a higher menu level or to
exit the settings, press the button ESC
(repeatedly). The setting procedure will
also be automatically cancelled after
one minute when no button is pressed.
6.2.4 Saving a preset
Note: The availability of this function depends on
the access rights of the current access level
chapter 8.7).
To save the current settings:
1) Press the button MENU (3) so that
will appear on the display (4),
followed by the storage location num-
ber; the name of the preset saved at the
storage location will appear on the sec-
ond line. If the storage location is not
will be shown.
2) Turn the knob SELECT/ ENTER (5) to
select the storage location desired, then
press the knob to confirm. The following
message will appear:
Set Presetname:
3) Turn the knob SELECT/
select the first character for the name of
the preset, then press the knob to con-
firm. Proceed in the same way to enter
the other characters of the name; how-
ever, do not press the knob after select-
ing the final character.
4) After selecting the final character, press
the button MENU. The following mes-
sage will appear on the display:
Save Preset ?
5) Press the knob SELECT/ ENTER to con-
firm. The following message will briefly
appear on the display:
Preset Saved OK
The storage location number and the
name of the saved preset will be shown
beneath the unit name.
Pressing the button ESC (2) in the steps
described above will cancel the procedure.
The procedure will also be cancelled after
one minute when no button is pressed.
7 Remote Control via
a Computer
The amplifier includes a digital signal
processor (DSP) which on the one hand
splits the signals to the outputs and on the
other hand offers a wide range of options
for equalizing the frequency response,
readjusting the delay time, and limiting the
dynamic range. The DSP is factory-config-
ured to the basic setting “Factory Preset”.
The computer software delivered with the
amplifier allows users to define their own
settings, e. g. for creating a crossover net-
work or for adapting the system to the room
acoustics. By means of the Ethernet inter-
face LAN (10), the amplifier can be con-
nected to a single computer, a local com-
puter network or, e. g. via a router, to larger
computer networks (Internet). Network
technology expertise is indispensable for
the correct connection setup.
Note: A direct connection of the amplifier to a
computer may require the use of a crossover
cable or a corresponding adapter.
As an alternative (without setting up a net-
work), the amplifier can be connected to a
computer via the USB interface
7.1 Installing the PC software
To install the control program supplied, a
computer with the operating system Win-
dows XP with Service Pack 2 or with a later
Windows version or with Mac OS X version
10.5.8 or later and an Ethernet interface is
required. The screen resolution should be
at least 1024 × 768 pixels. To install the PC
software, start the installation program
“Setup.exe” or “Setup […].msi” or (for Mac
OS X) “[…] Controller.mpkg” on the CD
supplied and then follow the instructions of
the installation program.
If the amplifier is connected to the com-
puter via the USB interface, select the CD
supplied as the source directory when
installing the USB driver.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the
United States and other countries. Mac OS is a registered trademark
of Apple Computer, Inc. in the United States and other countries.
7.2 Setting up the
network connection
The amplifier is factory-set to automatically
adopt the network settings of a DHCP
server in an existing network. If there is no
DHCP server on the network connected,
the amplifier will assume the function of a
DHCP server and will assign IP addresses
to the other network members, provided
that they have been set to automatically
adopt network settings.
If only fixed IP addresses are to be
used on the network, a specific address
can be assigned to the amplifier by means
of the control program.
The current IP address of the ampli-
fier can be shown via the menu (
ter 6.2.2).
Note: The amplifier can only be configured by
means of the program if the computer and the
amplifier belong to the same subnet. If not, it may
be reasonable to first only connect, via Ethernet,
the amplifier to a computer that automatically
adopts the network settings from the amplifier.
With this connection, the network settings of the
amplifier can then be adapted to the network to be
7.2.1 Note concerning the Ethernet interface
The Ethernet interface of the unit only
supports a bit rate of up to 10 megabit / s.
Therefore, a 10/100 switch must be
in -
serted for network units that only support
100 megabit / s (e. g. FRITZ!Box 3370).
7.3 Control program
1) At the computer, call up the control pro-
gram “DSP Controller”.
A password-entry window will appear
for starting the program. The factory-set
password is “monacor” which, however,
can later be changed by the user
chapter 7.3.2).
2) Enter the password (without quota-
tion marks and observing the correct
If the password is not correctly en-
tered, the message “Invalid password!”
will appear. In this case, confirm the
message and enter the password again.
The overview window (fig. 5) will appear,
displaying a list of all units connected.
In the upper row “All Units”, the text in
parenthesis specifies the number of units
that are currently “online”, i. e. that are
actively connected to the computer. The
rows below the upper row contain the fol-
lowing columns with various information
and functions for the individual units: