5.5 Diode test
Never measure a diode when voltage is ap-
plied, and always measure it separately,
otherwise the measurement will be inaccu-
rate. For this purpose, it may be necessary
to solder the diode out of the circuit.
Set the selector switch (10) to the position
At the top of the display the symbol
for diode
test will appear. When the probe tips are ap-
plied to the diode in forward direction, the for-
ward voltage up to 0.999 V will be indicated.
The positive pole of the measuring current (ap-
prox. 0.3 mA) is applied to the red probe tip.
With an indication of approx. 0 V, the diode
has a short circuit. If “
.” is indicated, the
diode has a higher forward voltage than 1 V
(e. g. LEDs), the diode is interrupted, con-
nected in reverse direction (reverse the polarity
of the diode), or has no contact to the probe
5.6 Capacitance measurement
The DMT-4004 allows to measure capacitors
with a capacitance up to 200
Set the selector switch (10) to the position
and apply the probe tips to the capacitor. The
measuring process may require a few seconds
so that it will take a while until the correct value
is indicated. If the capacitance is higher than
F, “
.” will appear to indicate that the
measuring range has been exceeded.
5.7 Frequency measurement
This meter allows to measure frequencies up
to 10 MHz. The sensitivity is:
Set the selector switch (10) to the position
. Apply the probe tips to the measuring
points and read the frequency on the display.
In the AC voltage range and in the alternat -
ing current ranges, a frequency measurement
is also possible (
chapters 5.1 and 5.2).
5.8 Duty cycle measurement
The meter allows to measure the duty cycle
in %. The duty cycle is the ratio of the positive
signal part to the period, e. g.:
Measuring range: . . 0.1 % to 99.9 %
Sensitivity: . . . . . . . < 0.5 V~
Frequency range: . 5 Hz – 150 kHz
The positive signal part must be 100
s –
100 ms.
1) Set the selector switch to the position
The frequency measurement is activated.
2) Use the button Hz% (2) to switch over to
duty cycle measurement. On the right of the
display, the indication will change from “Hz”
to “%”.
3) Apply the probe tips to the measuring points
and read the duty cycle on the display.
4) To return to frequency measurement, press
the button Hz% once again.
In the AC voltage range and in the alternating
current ranges, a duty cycle measurement is
also possible (
chapters 5.1 and 5.2).
≤ 1 MHz
< 0.5 V~
> 1 MHz
> 3 V~
Never measure a capacitor
when it is charged or when the
operating voltage is applied, oth-
erwise you will risk an electric
shock. Furthermore, the meas-
urement will be inaccurate.
Switch off the power supply and discharge
the capacitor before soldering it out of the cir-