Manual - Zivko Edge 540
The Zivko Edge 540 is a high-performance aerobatic aircraft popular in aerobatic competitions
and airshows. Pilots have flown the Edge 540 to victory many times across the international
aerobatic circuit.
Arrows Hobby wanted to build an aerobatic aircraft with a simple structure and excellent
performance to meet the interests of enthusiasts seeking the excitement of 3D aerobatics.
The Edge 540 has been the first choice of many aerobatic hobbyists, and it has always been
popular among many of the pilots and engineers at Arrows Hobby at home and abroad too.
The superior performance of the 1300mm Edge 540 can easily complete high, medium and
low altitude horizontal and verti-cal surface stunts. The striking orange paint scheme is highly
visible to the benefit of novices and experts alike.
Electronic configuration:
• high-quality and high-endurance 60A ESC,
• 4250-KV910 motor,
• high-precision 23g metal gear servo.
• Ball-style linkage and embedded nylon hinge for precision control.
• The symmetrical main wing installed with 0 incident angle and the super-sized control
surfaces facilitate various aerobatics such as somersaults, rolls, hoists and inverted flying.
• High-efficiency wooden propeller.
1300mm (51.2in)
Overall length
1260mm (50in)
Flying weight
~ 1900g
Motor size
4250 KV910
Wing load
58.5g/dm² (0.117oz/in²)
Wing area
32.5dm² (503.4sq.in)
23g metal*4pcs
Recommended battery
14.8V 2600mAh 30C