1. Press the TV MENU key to enter the main menu.
2. Use
the / keys
to select one of the main menu
sec ons and then press OK to enter the selected item.
3. Use
the / keys
to select menu items.
4. Use
the / keys
to change the values of the selected
menu item.
5. Press the TV MENU key to exit the submenu or main menu.
In the CHANNEL sec on (available only in TV source mode),
you can select the following parameters: Auto-tune, Manual
DTV Setup, Manual ATV Setup, Program Editor, Signal
Informa on, CI Informa on
* The Auto-Tune parameter allows you to automa cally scan
the en re TV range and remember all found TV sta ons.
• Parameters Manual tuning of DTV and ATV allows you to
manually adjust the frequency of an individual channel, its
sound system, as well as make precise frequency
* The Program Editor op on allows you to open the sort
menu and channel se ngs. You can delete, rename, move, or
skip any channel using the teletext keys.
• You can get more informa on in the Signal Informa on and
CI sec ons Informa on
Select the channel you want to delete and press the red key.
Select the channel you want to rename and press the green
key. You can rename only ATV channels.
Select the channel you want to move to a new loca on and
press the yellow key. Move to the desired channel number
using the direc on keys and click OK. Complete the opera on
by pressing the yellow key.
Press the blue key to set and cancel channel skipping.
PARAMETERS Step 1. Click Source the Source bu on.
Then select the item "Satellite"
Step 2. Go to the menu, select the item "Channel"
In the channel submenuер, select "Satellite Setup"
Step 3. Inемthe windowе that appears, you can configureь
the satellite signal or select from the available list of
In the IMAGE sec on, you can adjust the brightness, contrast,
color, sharpness, and satura on as you like.
1. Press
and OK to select one of the menu items.
2. Use the / keys to adjust this parameter
. In this
case, the preset mode will change to "User" and the se ngs
will be saved in it.
3. The new se ngs will be saved automa cally.
4. Press the TV MENU key to return to the menu. Se ng the "
Hue " parameter is available only in the NTSC system. The
Color temp parameter. allows you to select one of the
possible preset se ngs: Medium, Warm, Cold, and User. The
"Screen" se ng is only available in PC Monitor mode. You can
adjust the horizontal/ver cal posi on and adjust the
frequency and phase.