English 13
Noted :
There are two methods to air exchange, its are covering „horizontal ventilation' and 'vertical ventilation'.
Note the ventilation met hod when installation.
Horiz ontal ventilation: As shown in the picture. 4A, use a cover to close the outlet at t he top, then the air
can be streamed from behind.
Vertical ventilation: As shown in the picture 4B, use a cover t o close the outlet on the back, then air can
be streamed from above.
Working Method
MODE NA hoods have 2 version of working method, that is :
1. In this mode, the exhaust hood operates by sucking the smoke / cooking odor and then discharging it
out of the vent.
2. A heat / fire-resistant ducting system is required to discharge smoke / odor out of the vent.
3. To connect the exhaust hood wit h the discharge duct, use "spigot/flange" is designed with a diameter
of 100 or 125 mm.
Several things which require attention in installing the ducting system exhaust hood :
1. Carbon filter must be removed because the cooking odor will be sucked and immediately discharged
out of the room.
2. The suction force will be diminished if the exhaust system is too long and there are too many elbows.
3. Do not connect the exhaust system with a chimney or an air duct or hot steam duct.
4. If the exhaust hood is to be installed in a multi-storied building or an apartment, consult with the
person in charge of the building / apartment prior to installing the exhaust system.
5. Exhaust hood with ducting system should be used in an open-air room with good air circulation.
In this version, the exhaust hood sucks the smoke / cooking odor and filters it through an aluminum filter
and carbon filter. The filtered smoke is th en recirculated into the room. This system is used if the
premise renders it impossible to install a ducting system.
Several things which must be ensured when installing a exhaust hood with recalculating system:
1. Both carbon filter and aluminum filter must be used.
2. The position of both filters must be correct.
3. Holes where air duct is discharged found in the front cabinet of the exhaust hood cannot be closed.
Air ventilation setting
At the time of going to apply two circulation systems above please note the following way air vent
Outdoor air ventilation (ducting system / exhaust): Turn regulator to position the outdoor (Figure 5A ),
plug outlet, turn on the s uction hood (hood), then the air will flow through the exhaust air duct (dumped
out of the room).
The air vents in the room (recirculation): Turn regulator to position the indoor (Figure 5B), plug outlet
cover, turn on the suction hood (hood), then the air will flow through the inside of the channel (in
circulated into the room).