Ventilation Pipe Installation
The water heater must have ventilation pipe. The installation of the
ventilation pipe must be in accordance with follow matters:
The height of the ventilation pipe
must be in accordance so that it
can exhaust the smoke out.
The horizontal part of this
ventilation pipe must be less than
3 m, and the pipe must be a bit
tilted down (±1°), so that the water
condensation does not flow back.
The angle of the ventilation pipe
must be 90°, and its quantity
should be no more than 3 pieces.
Inside the ventilation pipe, the
upper hole of the smoke exhaust
(flue) duct from the back must
have more than 250 mm height.
The upper part of the ventilation
pipe must be accompanied with
the windproof
cover to prevent
wind and rain. The distance may
not be more than 600 mm from
the surrounding buildings.
Do not install the ventilation pipe
in the air replacement part or
smoke ventilation track.
Make sure there is no air leak at
the pipe connections; fasten it
with strong screws
Ventilation Pipe
tion Hole