Tech Support, Updates & Licensing
Model Technology customers: getting the latest version
via FTP
You can ftp the latest version of the software from the web site at
. Instructions are there as well. A valid license file from
Model Technology is needed to uncompress the ModelSim EE files. A
password from Model Technology is needed to uncompress the ModelSim
PE files. Contact
if you are a current PE customer and
need a password.
Licenses - Model
Where to obtain your license
Mentor Graphics customers must contact their Mentor Graphics
salesperson for ModelSim EE licensing. All other customers may obtain
ModelSim EE licenses from Model Technology. Please contact Model
Technology at
If you have trouble with licensing
Contact your normal technical support channel:
Technical support - by telephone
Technical support - electronic support services
Technical support - other channels
All customers: Model
Sim EE licensing
ModelSim EE uses Globetrotter’s FLEXlm license manager and files.
Globetrotter FLEXlm license files contain lines that can be referred to by
the word that appears first on the line. Each kind of line has a specific
purpose and there are many more kinds of lines that MTI does not use.
A license.dat file example
SERVER hostname 11111111 1650
DAEMON modeltech ./modeltech ./options
FEATURE vcom modeltech 1998.080 31-aug-98 1 \
0C944D8F0C79B02EF5CF ck=117