Tech Support, Updates & Licensing
For example,
DAEMON modeltech /usr/mti5.2/sunos5/modeltech \
A FEATURE line describes how many licenses ("tokens") are available; it
contains the feature name, daemon required, most current build date
authorized to run, token expiration date, number of tokens for the feature,
license code, and a checksum. The features are:
vcom is a VHDL compilation feature
vsim is a VHDL simulation feature
vlog is a Verilog compilation feature
vsim-vlog is a Verilog simulation feature
When a VHDL design is compiled, a vcom token is used. When a Verilog
design is compiled, a vlog token is used. When a VHDL design is
simulated, a vsim token is used. When a Verilog design is simulated,
vsim-vlog is used. This is why two people running different single-
language designs can work at the same time with one ModelSim PLUS
product. When a design with both languages is run, one of each token is
checked out.
With ModelSim EE/LNL, hdl FEATURE lines are added. With LNL
(language-neutral licensing), either VHDL or Verilog - but not both - can
be used. The hdl FEATURE lines are shown in the example:
hdlcom is a compilation feature used with either VHDL or Verilog
hdlsim is a simulation feature used with either language
Notice the FEATURE lines. If a line is too long for the email program, a
backslash ("\") appears at the end of the line. A UNIX system reads that as
"whatever you read on the next line belongs on this line". So never edit out
the "\" when you are transcribing a license file. Never put another character
after it either.
All the important lines end in checksums. FLEXlm will let you know if you
mistyped something when transcribing the license files because the
checksum will not match the line's contents. (GLOBEtrotter has a utility
that will report any checksum errors in a file. Use this command: lmchksum
<license.file>) Lines that start with "#" are comments.
If you want to learn more about the tools that license ModelSim, read the
license manager appendix in the ModelSim reference manual, and visit
GLOBEtrotter at