Preset Management Page
This page allows you to backup, curate and restore your saved presets for both patches and
The interface is split into 3 sections:
SKULPT synthesiser
- On the right are the current presets on your SKULPT synthesiser, there
are 8 banks of 16 patches and 4 banks of 16 sequences.
- On the left hand side you will find the local storage section. These are presets that are
saved to your local storage on the device MODALapp is running on.
- The toolbox is an area you can drag patches in to currate new banks and then save
them to your SKULPT synthesiser or add to local storage.
The interface is drag’n’drop so you can move presets or banks around to different slots by first
clicking on them and then dragging them to the desired location.
Settings Page
Here you can find out your firmware version and update your firmware, you can select the
MIDI channel, Toggle omni on / off, configure Din MIDI In / Out Filter settings. Configure MIDI
routing, toggle the Metronome on / off and view the current clock source.