Modulation Slots
On SKULPT synthesiser each modulation source has it’s own dedicated assign button on the
front panel. Assign buttons can be latched so you don’t have to hold them while assigning
modulation destinations or accessing shift functions! Slots can also be easily muted or cleared
by enetering the MOD SLOTS mode.
Similar to the Assign button, this button allows us to assign which parameters
the Mod-EG affects in the matrix. After pressing simply begin twist the knob that you
would like the Mod-EG to modulate you will see touch pads 8 and 9 illuminated showing
their is no modulation as you continue to twist the LEDs will illuminate to show you
depth. Modulation is bipolar so twisting left achieves negative amounts and twisting right
achieves positive amounts.
This button allows you to assign a bipolar amount of keytracking modulation to
a selected destination: at positive values, the higher the note you press, the higher the
modulation value.
This button allows you to assign a bipolar amount of velocity modulation to a
selected destination: at positive values, the harder / faster the note you press, the higher
the modulation value on the selected destination.
When holding the SHIFT key this button allows you to assign a bipolar amount of
mod wheel modulation to a selected destination
Tip: Assign an LFO to control Tune. Reduce the depth of the LFO and assign the Modw to
the depth (+or-) adjust rate to taste for that classic mod wheel vibrato!
When holding the SHIFT key this button allows you to assign a bipolar amount of
monophonic aftertouch modulation to a selected destination.
When holding the SHIFT key this button allows you to assign a bipolar amount of
External Expression or Breath modulation (MIDI CC 11) to a selected destination
Mod Slots:
When holding the SHIFT key this button allows you to observe and edit
the modulations used within a patch using the 16 touch pads. Pads 1-8 represent each
modulation slot, they can be enabled or disabled. Pads 9-16 will clear the corresponding
slot 1-8 when held down for a certain time.
Modulation LEDs
Entering an assign mode while on the mod edit page will flash all slots currently assigned
from that source.
When assigning a modulation and adjusting the assignment depth, the led for the
modulation slot is flashed.
If you try to enter an invalid or duplicate modulation the 16 touch pad LEDs will all flash
SKULPT synthesiser features an arpeggiator with division, direction, octave, bipolar swing and
sustain controls
The speed of the arpeggiator is controlled by the current clock which can either be received
from the sync in port, external MIDI or from the internal clock in SKULPT.
This controls the tempo of the arpeggiator and sequencer.
This allows you apply swing to the arpeggiator. A positive value delays the even
step, however a negative value brings the even step forward in time.
Note: assigning modulation to the Tempo / Swing knob will control the Global Tune of
the oscillators.
The arpeggiator can be enabled using the dedicated button in the keyboard section labelled
However, when this button is held down the 16 touch pads can be used to edit the arp
Pads 1-8 select the division or note length of the arp. The available divisions
are 1/32 (demi-semi-quaver), 1/24 (semi-quaver triplets), 1/16 (semi-quaver), 1/12 (quaver
triplets), 1/8 (quaver), 1/6 (crotchet triplets), 1/4 (crotchet) and 1/2 (minum)
Pads 9-12 select what order the held notes are played back in. There are 6
possible combinations, with FWD (forward), BACK (backwards), PEND (forwards then
backwards) and then a toggle NOTE (note order vs played order).
Pads 13-16 select how many octaves are played back from 1 to 4 octaves.
When holding the SHIFT key and pressing the ARP button this enables sustain.
This allows you to keep the arpeggiator running without needing to hold the notes