SECTION 2 – Mount Potentiometers, Footswitch and Toggle Switch
1) Mount the two 250K potentiometers in the 3/8" holes at the top of the enclosure using the
hardware provided.
Remove nut and flat washer from potentiometers and
place large lock washers (S-HLW38) over shaft of each
pot before inserting them through their mounting holes.
Fasten nut over flat washer and tighten.
Before mounting, gently
bend the pot lugs back so
they are pointing straight
up when mounted.
2) Mount the 3PDT footswitch in the ½” hole with its solder
lugs oriented as in the drawing.
(The top hex nut should be fastened on the outside of the box. The plastic
washer is optional.)
Please refer to DRAWING 3 & DRAWING 4.
3) Mount the DPDT toggle switch in the ¼” hole below the output pot. The lock washer goes over the
shaft before inserting through the chassis hole. Align the switch as shown in the drawing and tighten
the nut.
Incorrect Orientation
Correct Orientation
4) Connect the 820 Ω resistor from terminal #2 to the anode (+) lead of the LED.
Clip the anode lead of the LED and resistor to a reasonable length and connect them by bending and crimping the leads
around each other. Solder them once they are tightly connected to each other.
5) Take the two 1N4148 diodes and place their bodies side by side with the reverse polarity of one
another (see below) and twist their leads together as shown.
Connect one end of these two 1N4148 diodes to terminal #1 of the terminal strip and the other end to
the bottom left lug of the toggle switch. Make sure the leads of these diodes will not accidentally touch
any of the other lugs on the toggle switch.
cathode side is
marked with a
black band
“Reverse polarity of one another”
means to connect the cathode of
each diode to the anode of the
other diode.
6) Take the two germanium diodes and place their bodies side by side with the reverse polarity of one
another (see below) and twist their leads together as shown.
Connect one end of these two germanium diodes to terminal #1 of the
terminal strip and the other end to the top left lug of the toggle switch.
Make sure the leads of these diodes will not accidentally touch any of
the other lugs on the toggle switch.
cathode side is
marked with two
black bands
“Reverse polarity of one another”
means to connect the cathode of
each diode to the anode of the
other diode.
Top Left
Middle Left
Bottom Left