First version
Rev 1.00
22 Sep 2016
Helios User Manual
$RT[CR] ->* <Internal temperature> <maximum allowed temperature>[CR] {This command sends the internal
temperature of the power meter, in degrees Celsius, followed by the maximum allowed temperature, and terminated
with [CR].
It can return measurements up to a maximum rate of 15 times per second. The integrator should use this
to ensure that the Helios is left to cool down when the internal temperature reaches or exceeds the maximum allowed
* 33.5 60 – current temperature of 33.5 °C and maximum temperature of 60 °C.
MAC Address
$MC[CR] ->*<MAC Address>[CR]
All Wavelengths
$AW[CR] -> *"DISCRETE 1 B-G NIR[CR]" {This command returns a list of available laser options, for example:
“B-G NIR” together with the present active laser option index: “1” in this example, referring to the first item in the
list, B-G. If the index is “2” it would refer to the second item in the list “NIR”, etc.}
Wavelength Index
$WI [CR] -> *[CR] {This command selects the laser option index, as referred to in the $AW command. Selecting an
index beyond the maximum number of settings will result in an error message. Sending the parameter ‘0’ will query
the present active index, the same value returned by the $AW command. The $HC S command (see above) can be
used to save the present setting as the startup default}