HPQ2-IP SP101009.102 – 10 October 2012
MKS Instruments, Spectra Products
3. Control Unit Overview
The HPQ2-IP control unit is a single unit incorporating all the necessary power
supply and data acquisition electronics for the residual gas analyser.
Power is derived from a dedicated low voltage power supply which is supplied as
part of the standard package.
Alternatively, power may be derived from a suitable Spectra Remote Vacuum
Controller if the complete system incorporates one.
The HPQ2-IP control unit plugs directly onto the HPQ2-IP quadrupole analyser via
the connector mounted on the front panel of the unit. All external connections
including the power supply and communications are made via connectors mounted
on the rear panel of the control unit.
The HPQ2-IP control unit contains no user serviceable parts and the only manual
adjustment is the volume control for the audio, which is mounted on the rear panel.