HPQ2-IP SP101009.102 – 10 October 2012
MKS Instruments, Spectra Products
2. Introducing HPQ2-IP
The HPQ2-IP is a complete quadrupole residual gas analyser (RGA) designed to
operate at higher pressures than traditional quadrupole instruments. The HPQ2-IP
system is based around an extremely compact quadrupole analyser which has an
insertion length into the vacuum of 1 inch (25.4mm) and mounts on a CF35 (2 ¾
inch) Conflat flange.
The HPQ2-IP incorporates all of the electronics normally found in a separate control
unit and RF power supply into one extremely compact unit, which fits directly onto
the quadrupole analyser. A separate low voltage power supply connects to the
HPQ2-IP control unit.
The HPQ2-IP is designed to be operated from an IBM compatible PC running either
Process Eye Professional or Easyview software. Communication between the PC and
the HPQ2-IP is via an Ethernet link.
The complete HPQ2-IP system will comprise; HPQ2-IP analyser, HPQ2-IP control
unit, low voltage power supply, interconnecting cables, manual, tool kit and either
Process Eye Professional or Easyview software.
This manual focuses on the HPQ2-IP hardware and should be used in conjunction
with the manual for the operating software, Process Eye Professional or Easyview.