6875 hana Table
T e c h n i c a l S e r v i c e s D e p a r t m e n t
Preventative Maintenance Checklist Phone: 800-777-4674 PST Fax: 510-429-8324
50603-06 Rev. A ECN# 10016 Effective Date 3/9/2010 Page 4 of 4
7. Telescopic Shrouds / Sheet-metal Covers.
Using Hand Pendant, press and hold “HEIGHT UP” button, raising tabletop to maximum height and
toggle Power Switch to “OFF”.
7.1 ( ) ( ) Visually inspect all stainless steel sheet-metal covers for damage; verify that they are not bent.
This section is for Technical Services use only.
Signature: ________________________ Date: __________