6875 hana Table
T e c h n i c a l S e r v i c e s D e p a r t m e n t
Preventative Maintenance Checklist Phone: 800-777-4674 PST Fax: 510-429-8324
50603-06 Rev. A ECN# 10016 Effective Date 3/9/2010 Page 2 of 4
Tools Required:
Normal Handtools
Materials Required:
6875 hana Table Owner’s Manual – NW0508
Pass Fail
1. General Overall Condition.
1.1 ( ) ( ) Table is clean, without signs of hazardous contamination and is consistent with proper care.
1.2 ( ) ( ) Table Labels; verify all labels are intact and legible.
2. Power Input Inspection.
2.1 ( ) ( ) Table Power Cord with A/C plug (p/n NV0956) is free of wear, corrosion, insulation cracks and
“Hospital Grade” tag is attached to Power Cord.
2.2 ( ) ( ) Power Cord Base-Receptacle is properly secured and all the prongs are intact.
2.3 ( ) ( ) ON/OFF Power Switch/Circuit Breaker is properly secured, operational, and plastic cover is not torn or
Comments: _________________________________________________________________________
3. Basic Setup.
3.1 ( ) ( ) Attach Hand Pendant.
3.2 ( ) ( ) Power Switch ON.
a. Connect table Power Cord to AC power source.
b. Toggle Power Switch “ON” (located on table-base panel). If illuminated, table is connected to live
AC power. If no illumination, table may still operate on internal battery power (Hand Pendant control
buttons and lights will be illuminated).
c. Verify Three Circuit Breakers (located close to the main power switch) are not tripped.
e. Verify Hand Pendant control Battery Status “OK” LED illuminates green. If red “Battery Check”
light is on, charge battery for a minimum of 3 hours (leave Power Cord plugged in and main “ON/OFF”
Power Switch “ON”).
Comments: _________________________________________________________________________
3.2 ( ) ( ) Connect the Foot Pedal into the port at the foot end of the table base.
(Confirm green “FOOT SWITCH CONNECTED” light is on)