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P a g e
and the LTE beep pattern to be
Confirm the SIM is able to facilitate
an active connection to the network
When a link becomes active the buzzer will give 2
quick short beeps.
( . . )
Confirm normal operation of the LTE
Modem is idle with no incoming data
When the OBC successfully queries the modem for
data, but there is no incoming data, the buzzer will
give 1 medium beeps.
( - )
This usually occurs around once a second (but
could be longer for a very slow config).
Confirm normal operation of the LTE
Modem is receiving data
When data is received, the buzzer will give 2
medium beeps.
( - - )
This usually occurs once a second (but could be
longer for a very slow config).
Confirm normal operation of the LTE
Modem is sending data
When an active message is sent, the unit will give
5 quick short beeps.
( . . . . . )
Confirm the modem is not
continuously in an error state where
it is unable to send or receive data
Occasionally the modem will report an error. This
will be indicated by a long beep.
( ___ )
If this occurs continuously the modem is not
working as it should and the install cannot be
Post install administration
Once the install is confirmed the FM 3xxx OBC will use the external LTE modem for all its communication
going forward. The firmware does not implement any fallback to 2G/3G by switching back to the internal
modem if the OBC it is out of LTE coverage. There is therefore no point in keeping the original internal SIM
active. The original SIM can be deactivated using the details captured for the asset prior to installing the LTE
External modem.