List of illustrations
Warning labels...................................... 1-9
Engine Left Side View ......................... 2-1
Engine Right Side View ....................... 2-1
Start Switch and Stop Switch .............. 2-2
Manual Stop Lever .............................. 2-2
Stop Solenoid ...................................... 2-2
Oil Pressure Unit ................................. 2-3
Thermo Unit ......................................... 2-3
Revolution Detection Pickup ............... 2-3
Oil Pressure Switch ............................. 2-4
Thermo Switch .................................... 2-4
Oil Filter Alarm Switch ......................... 2-4
Revolution Detection Pickup ............... 2-5
Air Cleaner Indicator ............................ 2-5
(While Engine is Running) ................... 2-6
(When Pushing Shaft in) ..................... 2-6
(When Turning Shaft) .......................... 2-6
Priming Pump - Handle ........................ 3-2
Fuel Filter - Bleed Air............................ 3-2
Fuel Injection Pump - Bleed Air ........... 3-2
Priming Pump Tightening Method ....... 3-3
Priming Pump Head Packing .............. 3-3
Oil Filler and Oil Level Gauge .............. 3-4
Mechanisms and Chamber ................. 3-4
Radiator Cap ........................................ 3-5
Coolant Drain Cock (Engine)................ 3-5
Coolant Drain Cock (Water Pump)....... 3-5
Battery Electrolyte Level - Inspect ....... 3-6
Valves for open/closed position
- Check ................................................ 3-8
Fuel Control Link - Check .................... 3-9
Oil Filler and Oil Level Gauge .............. 3-9
Air Cleaner - Check for Clogging ....... 3-10
Air Tank - Drain Water........................ 3-10
Starting Air Tank Air Pressure
- Check ............................................... 3-11
Thermo label of damper ......................3-11
Manual Stop Lever .............................3-14
Engine Oil Grade...................................5-1
Selection of Oil Viscosity .......................5-3
GLASSY - LLC ......................................6-1
Belt and Belt Tension - Inspect and
Adjust ....................................................8-2
Damper - Check Visually.......................8-4
Damper Temperature Management ......8-5
Fuel Tank - Drain Water ........................8-6
Water Separator - Drain Water..............8-7
Water Separator Element - Replace .....8-7
Gauze Filter - Clean ..............................8-8
Fuel Filter - Replace ..............................8-9
Fuel Filter ..............................................8-9
Ball Joints For Looseness - Inspect ....8-10
Fuel Control Link - Remove.................8-10
High Pressure Fuel Injection Pipe and
Clamp Seat - Inspect and Replace .....8-11
Low Pressure Fuel Pipe and Clip
- Inspect ..............................................8-11
Oil Filler and Oil Level Gauge .............8-13
Oil Filter and Bypass Oil Filter
- Replace .............................................8-14
Oil Filter ...............................................8-14
Governor oil filter - Drain .....................8-15
Governor oil filter - Change .................8-15
Oil Pipe and Clip - Inspect and
Replace ...............................................8-15
Radiator Cap .......................................8-16
Coolant Drain Cock (Engine)...............8-16
Coolant Drain Cock (Water Pump)......8-17
Radiator fins - Clean ...........................8-18
Turbocharger - Inspect .......................8-19
Draining Water From the Exhaust
Muffler .................................................8-19
Air Cleaner - Check for Clogging ........8-20
Air Cleaner Element - Remove............8-21
Air Cleaner Element - Clean and
Check ..................................................8-21