1. Inspecting and repairing cylinder head
and valve mechanism .....................6-2
1.1 Measuring distortion of the bottom surface of
the cylinder head...................................... 6-2
1.2 Measuring clearance between rocker arm and
rocker shaft .............................................. 6-2
1.3 Measuring perpendicularity and free length of
valve spring.............................................. 6-2
1.4 Measuring push rod runout ...................... 6-3
1.5 Measuring valve stem outside diameter and
valve guide inside diameter ..................... 6-3
1.6 Replacing valve guide.............................. 6-4
1.7 Inspecting valve face ............................... 6-5
1.8 Replacing valve seat................................ 6-6
1.9 Refacing valve face.................................. 6-6
1.10 Refacing valve seat.................................. 6-7
1.11 Lapping valve and valve seat................... 6-7
1.12 Removing combustion jet......................... 6-8
2. Inspecting and repairing flywheel ....6-9
2.1 Inspecting ring gear ................................. 6-9
2.2 Replacing ring gear.................................. 6-9
2.2.1 Removing ring gear ....................................6-9
2.2.2 Installing ring gear ......................................6-9
3. Inspecting and repairing timing gear,
camshaft and oil pan .....................6-10
3.1 Inspecting V-pulley................................. 6-10
3.2 Inspecting oil seal contact surface ......... 6-10
3.3 Measuring clearance between idler bushing
and idler shaft ........................................ 6-10
3.4 Replacing idler bushing.......................... 6-10
3.5 Replacing idler shaft .............................. 6-11
3.6 Measuring cam lift.................................. 6-11
3.7 Measuring camshaft journal diameter and
journal bore diameter ............................. 6-11
3.8 Measuring camshaft runout ................... 6-12
3.9 Removing camshaft gear ....................... 6-12
3.10 Installing camshaft gear and thrust plate 6-12
4. Inspecting and repairing piston,
connecting rod, crankshaft and
crankcase ......................................6-13
4.1 Measuring piston outside diameter ........ 6-13
4.2 Measuring piston ring groove................. 6-13
4.3 Measuring piston ring end gap............... 6-14
4.4 Measuring piston pin bore diameter and piston
pin outside diameter............................... 6-14
4.5 Measuring clearance between connecting rod
bushing and piston pin ........................... 6-14
4.6 Replacing connecting rod bushing ......... 6-15
4.7 Inspecting connecting rod bend and twist6-15
4.8 Inspecting oil clearance of connecting rod
bearing ................................................... 6-16
4.9 Inspecting oil clearance of main bearing 6-17
4.10 Inspecting oil seal contact surface ......... 6-18
4.10.1 Installing oil seal sleeve........................... 6-18
4.10.2 Removing oil seal sleeve......................... 6-18
4.11 Measuring crankshaft runout.................. 6-19
4.12 Removing crankshaft gear ..................... 6-19
4.13 Installing crankshaft gear ....................... 6-19
4.14 Measuring cylinder inside diameter........ 6-20
4.14.1 Reboring cylinder..................................... 6-20
4.15 Measuring crankcase top surface
distortion................................................. 6-21
4.16 Inspecting tappet.................................... 6-21
4.17 Measuring clearance between tappet and
tappet guide hole.................................... 6-21
4.18 Inspecting piston cooling nozzle ............ 6-22