- 10 -
5.2 Return to home position
(1) T urn the se wing machin e po wer s witc h ON.
(2) Conf irm that th e work holder lo wers when the f oot s witc h (2-peda l) [ Black ]
side is turn ed ON, a nd rise s wh en the s witch is turned ON ag ain.
(3) Conf irm that the la be l ho lder lo wers whe n the e xpa nded f oot s witch
(1-peda l) is turned ON, and rises whe n the switch i s turned ON ag ain. T he
lab el ho lder will not move e ven if the foot s witch is de pres sed un les s the
work hold er is lo wer ed.
(If proper op eration is n ot pos sible, re f er to the Setup Pr ocedur es an d
check the setting s a nd con nections.)
(3) Lo wer the work holder an d labe l h older, and press on the op eration
pane l. Retur n to hom e pos itio n will start.
6. Preparing to stitch labels
6.1 Stitching conditions
(1) Stitch ing size
Labe l ho ld er
(2) Stitch ing materia l thick nes s: 4mm or less
(3) Super impos ed stitching le ng th (Fig . 1 T dimensi on) ... 12mm or less
(4) Restrict ion s
In pu t th e st it c hi ng d a ta i n a c l oc k w is e d ire ct io n ( d ir ec ti o n of b ol d arr o w in Fi g.
1). T he ent ire per ip her y cann ot be stitc hed wh en the d ata is inp ut in the
reverse d irect ion (co unterclock wis e d irec tion).
T he presser f oot (cylindr ica l pres ser) and wip er mechan ism ca nnot be us ed.
Remo ve th ese parts.
6.2 Preparing the label holder plate
Prepare the label holder plate with the following procedures to match the size
of the label to be sewn on.
(1) Remove the Fig. No. 140 round screw, and remove the Fig. No. 139 label
plate mounting block and Fig. No. 142 label holder plate.
End of stitching
Fig . 1
(Look i ng f rom f ront of sewi ng m achi ne)
Start of stitching