2 -
(5) The accessible device ranges have limit when the following modules are used:
(6) It is recommended that the network and data link modules are mounted to the basic
base unit.
When these modules are mounted to the extension base unit, the link refresh time
becomes longer than the case where they are mounted to the basic base unit.
Applicable Module
Accessible Device Range in CPU
Accessible Range
MELSECNET(II) data link module:
A1SJ71AP21, A1SJ71AR21
MELSECNET/B data link module:
Input (X), output (Y)
X/Y0 to X/Y7FF
Internal relay (M)
M0 to M8191
latch relay (L)
L0 to L8191
Link relay (B)
B0 to BFFF
Timer (T)
T0 to T2047
Counter (C)
C0 to C1023
Data register (D)
D0 to D6143
Link register (W)
W0 to WFFF
Annunciator (F)
F0 to F2047