Should any fault or defect (hereafter called
"failure") for which we are liable occur in this
product during the warranty period, we shall
provide repair services at no cost through the
distributor from which the product was
purchased or through a Mitsubishi Electric
service provider. Note, however that this shall
not apply if the customer was informed prior
to purchase of the product that the product
is not covered under warranty. Also note that
we are not responsible for any on-site
readjustment and/or trial run that may be
required after a defective unit is replaced.
[Warranty Term]
The term of warranty for this product shall be
twenty-four (24) months from the date of delivery
of product to the end user, provided the product
purchased from us in Japan is installed in Japan
(but in no event longer than thirty (30) months,
Including the distribution time after shipment
from Mitsubishi Electric or its distributor).
Note that, for the case where the product
purchased from us in or outside Japan is
exported and installed in any country other
than where it was purchased; please refer
to "2. Service in overseas countries" as will
be explained.
(1) The customer is requested to conduct an
initial failure diagnosis by him/herself, as a
general rule. It can also be carried out by us or
our service provider upon the customer’s
request and the actual cost will be charged.
(2) This warranty applies only when the
conditions, method, environment, etc., of use
are in compliance with the terms and conditions
and instructions that are set forth in the
instruction manual, user’s manual, and the
caution label affixed to the product, etc.
(3) Even during the term of warranty, repair costs
shall be charged to the customer in the following
(a) a failure caused by improper storage or
handling, carelessness or negligence, etc.,
or a failure caused by the customer’s
hardware or software problem
(b) a failure caused by any alteration, etc., to the
product made by the customer without
Mitsubishi Electric’s approval
(c) a failure which may be regarded as avoidable,
if the customer’s equipment in which this
product is incorporated is equipped with a
safety device required by applicable laws or has
any function or structure considered to be
indispensable in the light of common sense in
the industry
(d) a failure which may be regarded as avoidable
if consumable parts designated in the instruction
manual, etc. are duly maintained and replaced
(e) any replacement of consumable parts
(including a battery, relay and fuse)
(f) a failure caused by external factors such as
inevitable accidents, including without limitation
fire and abnormal fluctuation of voltage, and
acts of God, including without limitation
earthquake, lightning, and natural disasters
(g) a failure which is unforeseeable under
technologies available at the time of shipment of
this product from our company
(h) any other failures which we are not
responsible for or which the customer
acknowledges we are not responsible for
1. Warranty Period
and Coverage
If the customer installs the product
purchased from us in his/her machine or
equipment, and export it to any country
other than where he/she bought it, the
customer may sign a paid warranty
contract with our local FA center.
This falls under the case where the product
purchased from us in or outside Japan is
exported and installed in any country other
than where it was purchased.
For details please contact the distributor
from which the customer purchased the
2. Service in Overseas
* Trademarks
MELDAS, MELSEC, EZSocket, EZMotion, iQ
Platform, MELSOFT, GOT, CC-Link, CC-Link/LT
and CC-Link IE are either trademarks or
registered trademarks
of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation in Japan
and/or other countries.
Ethernet is a registered trademark of Xerox
Corporation in the United States and/or other
and Windows
are either trademarks
o r r e g i s t e r e d t r a d e m a r k s o f M i c r o s o f t
Corporation in the United States and/or other
SD logo and SDHC logo are either registered
trademarks or trademarks of LLC.
Other company and product names that appear
in this manual are trademarks or registered
trademarks of the respective companies.
(1) For the use of this product, its applications
should be those that may not result in a serious
damage even if any failure or malfunction occurs
in the product, and a backup or fail-safe function
should operate on an external system to the
product when any failure or malfunction occurs.
( 2 ) M i t s u b i s h i C N C i s d e s i g n e d a n d
manufactured solely for applications to machine
tools to be used for industrial purposes.
Do not use this product in any applications other
than those specified above, especially those
which are substantially influential on the public
interest or which are expected to have significant
influence on human lives or properties.
5. Product Application
Specifications shown in our catalogs,
manuals or technical documents are
subject to change without notice.
4. Changes in Product
Whether during or after the term of warranty,
we assume no responsibility for any
damages arising from causes for which we
are not responsible, any losses of
opportunity and/or profit incurred by the
3. Exclusion of Responsibility
for Compensation against
Loss of Opportunity,
Secondary Loss, etc.
customer due to a failure of this product, any
d a m a g e s , s e c o n d a r y d a m a g e s o r
compensation for accidents arising under
specific circumstances that either foreseen
or unforeseen by Mitsubishi Electric, any
damages to products other than this
product, or compensation for any
replacement work, readjustment and startup
test run of on-site machines or any other
operations conducted by the customer.
Since its beginnings in 1870, some
45 companies use the Mitsubishi
n a m e , c o v e r i n g a s p e c t r u m o f
finance, commerce and industry.
T h e M i t s u b i s h i b r a n d n a m e i s
recognized around the world as a
symbol of premium quality.
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation is
a c t i v e i n s p a c e d e v e l o p m e n t ,
transportation, semi-conductors,
energy systems, communications and
information processing, audio visual
equipment and home electronics,
building and energy management and
automation systems, and has 237
factories and laboratories worldwide
in over 121 countries.
This is why you can rely on Mitsubishi
E l e c t r i c a u t o m a t i o n s o l u t i o n -
because we know first hand about
t h e n e e d f o r re l i a b l e , e ffi c i e n t ,
easy-to-use automation and control in
our own factories.
A s o n e o f t h e w o r l d ’s l e a d i n g
companies with a global turnover of
over 4 trillion Yen (over $40 billion),
employing over 100,000 people,
Mitsubishi Electric has the resource
and the commitment to deliver the
ultimate in service and support as well
as the best products.
Please confirm the following product warranty details before using MITSUBISHI CNC.
Low voltage: MCCB, MCB, ACB
Medium voltage: VCB, VCC
Power monitoring, energy management
Compact and Modular Controllers
Inverters, Servos and Motors
Visualization: HMIs, Software, MES connectivity
Numerical Control (NC)
Robots: SCARA, Articulated arm
Processing machines: EDM, Lasers, IDS
Air-conditioning, Photovoltaic, EDS
Mitsubishi Electric offers a wide range of automation equipment from PLCs and HMIs to
CNC and EDM machines.