T h e m u l t i m e d i a a p p l i c a t i o n s
The Apricot Internet Connection application
Make sure your modem is connected, as shown on the ‘Apricot
Welcome Mat’.
The Apricot Internet Connection application provides you with the
ability to download the latest release of the Easy Manager software,
and establish connection to the Apricot Web server.
The download service compares the software files on your current
system with those held on the Apricot server. If there are outdated
you will be provided with the opportunity of updating them. This
facility allows you to obtain the latest software, and also restore the
software if it is corrupted. The system will need to be rebooted in
order for the downloaded files to take effect.
Connection to the Apricot web home page is made via Microsoft’s
Internet Explorer, and access to any World Wide Web (WWW)
pages can be made thereafter.
Closing (or terminating) the Apricot Internet Connection will
subsequently close Microsoft Internet Explorer. You will also be
requested at this point whether you wish to disconnect the modem
link. It is advisable to do so to ensure the proper release of your
telephone line.
There is an on-line help file available with the application if more
information is required.
If you are experiencing problems with your modem connection then
refer to the ‘Troubleshooting’ chapter of this manual for details.