S y s t e m B I O S a n d S e t u p
LS/VS 550
Main menu screen
When you start BIOS Setup a main menu screen appears with the
following options:
System summary
Product Data
Devices and I/O ports
Date and time
System Security
Start options
Advanced setup
Plug and Play
Error Log
Power management
Save settings
Restore settings
Load default settings
Exit setup
Lines with a
bullet in front of them have further menus or dialog
boxes associated with them, and are described later in this chapter.
bullet next to a line indicates that BIOS setup detected a
configuration error and attempted to correct it.
The Save Settings options saves any changes that you have made so far.
The Restore Settings option restores the settings that were in effect
when you started the BIOS Setup utility (with the exception of the
Date and Time settings).
The Load Default Settings option restores the BIOS default
The BIOS defaults may not be appropriate for your particular system.
Make a note of the current settings before using the Load Default
Settings option or pressing F10.