4.2.11 EVENT LOG = LOG
The only SET command clears the unit log of its contents.
Remote Command Sequence: $LOG00
Response: $LOG
The QUERY command requires a two-digit parameter indicating the log entry to be
examined. If entry 00 is queried, the unit returns the number of log entries currently in
the log, otherwise the unit responds with the date, time and a code indicating the event
which has occurred.
Remote Command Sequence: ?LOGgg
Response: ?LOGggCyyyymmddhhnnssEeee
gg: Two digit ASCII numeric characters, MSD transmitted first, LSD last.
Indicating the log entry queried.
C: Calendar/Clock indicator.
yyyy: Year, 4 digit ASCII numeric characters,
MSD transmitted first, LSD last.
mm: Month, 2 digit ASCII numeric characters
dd: Day, 2 digit ASCII numeric characters
hh: Hour, 2 digit ASCII numeric characters
nn: Minute, 2 digit ASCII numeric characters
ss: Second, 2 digit ASCII numeric characters
E: Event indicator
eee: Event Code 000 to 999 represents the following: