Date and Time
In order to adjust the date and time:
Press the left or right arrow key to select each of the fields: month, day, year, hour,
minute, second.
If the selected field is correct then press the left or right arrow key to advance to
the next field.
If the selected field needs adjustment use the up or down arrow keys or the
numeric data entry keys to adjust the new display.
Continue to press the left or right arrow key adjusting the necessary fields until all
of the fields are correct.
Press “ENTER” at any time to set the date and time to those displayed.
If not already displayed, use the Up and down arrow keys to access the System
Information Screen.
This screen displays the model numbers and firmware versions of the NSU Control Unit
and connected Switch Modules.
To view the information of a single element of the Redundancy Chain:
Press the left or right arrow key to highlight the model field.
Use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through each of the elements in the
redundancy chain
FIRMWARE 160061 V1.00
160222 V1.00
Switch 1 - NSU2-S50/S50
FIRMWARE 160280V1.000.001