User Guide
To change how the audio meters appear
1. Right-click the audio meters next to the monitor you want to affect, and then click
2. Select how the audio meters display the sound level measurements:
: displays horizontal lines at regular intervals long the audio meter
: displays what the various gradation levels along the audio meter represent
3. Select the type of audio meter to display:
Digital Peak Meter
: displays the levels of digital audio volume, measuring the peak
Digital Peak + VU Meter
: displays the digital audio signal level in Volume Units (VU)
Analog Peak Meter - UK PPM
: displays the analog audio signal level in Peak
Programme Meter units for the United Kingdom (UK)
Analog Peak Meter - EBU PPM
: displays the analog audio signal level in Peak
Programme Meter units for the European Broadcasting Union (EBU)
VU Meter
: displays the audio signal level in Volume Units (VU)
4. To display the number of times the audio meters exceed the maximum levels, select the
Show Overload Counter checkbox. This value appears above the audio meters.
To change the maximum dBFS value which would trigger an overload, select the first tab
and enter a new values in the Threshold fields: the left field represents left audio signal and
the right field represents the right audio signal).
5. To display the relative phase of the two channels to indicate mono compatibility, select the
Show Phase Meter
checkbox. The phase meter appears below the audio meters.