Frame sync option disabled
Icon #10 – Color Bars
Color bars OFF
Color bars ON
Icon #11 – Metadata Insertion
No AFD / Dolby / Timecode / Teletext insertion conflicts
AFD / Dolby / Timecode / Teletext insertion conflicts
Move the mouse over an icon and a status message appears below the icon providing additional information. If
there is an error, the error status message appears in the message area without mouse-over.
If there are multiple errors, the error messages cycle so all can be seen
The icon whose status or error message is shown is highlighted with a mauve background
Section 2.
The left-hand side of the panel contains a series of buttons that control the contents of the main window
(section 3). Click on one to access the indicated controls. The selected button is highlighted (darker) and the main
panel heading matches the button name.
Some of the buttons will be different depending on which model of the IRD-3111 is in use
This section can be hidden or revealed by clicking the arrow icon at the center of the left side border.
Section 3.
This section contains the main operating controls and displays for managing the IRD-3111’s feature set.
The contents are selected by clicking a button in section 2 on the left-hand side of the screen.
Each of the panels associated with the groups accessed from the buttons in section 2, and shown in section 3, is
described individually in the following sections.
IRD-3111 |