Suitable Plumbing Systems
Gravity Fed:
The thermostatic mixer must be fed from a cold
water cistern (usually fitted in the loft space) and
a hot water cylinder (usually fitted in the airing
cupboard) providing nominally equal pressures.
Mains Pressurised Instantaneous Hot Water
System (Combination Boiler):
The thermostatic mixer can be installed with
systems of this type with balanced pressures.
(Recommended Minimum Maintained Pressure:
1.0 Bar
Unvented Mains Pressure System:
The thermostatic mixer can be installed with an
unvented, stored hot water system.
Pumped System:
The thermostatic mixer can be installed with an
inlet pump (twin impeller). The pump must be
installed in a suitable location and in accordance
with its instructions.
Installation must be carried out in accordance
with these instructions, and must be conducted by
designated, qualified and competent personnel.
The installation must comply with the “Water
Supply Regulations 1999 (Water Fittings)” or any
particular regulations and practices, specified by
the local water company or water undertakers.
Make sure that all site requirements
correspond to the information given in section:
The Mixer must not be installed in an area
where it may freeze.
For stud partitions alternative fixings may be
Isolating valves must be installed close to the
Mixer for ease of maintenance.
Pipework must be rigidly supported and avoid
any strain on the connections.
Pipework dead-legs should be kept to a
Decide on a suitable position for the Mixer,
make sure that there is sufficient headroom
and ceiling clearance to install the integral
slidebar rail and Showerhead.
The position of the Mixer and the Shower
Fittings must provide a minimum gap of 25 mm
between the spill-over level of the shower tray/
bath and the showerhead (refer to illustration).
This is to prevent back-siphonage.
Only use Shower Fittings recommended
by the manufacturer or supplier.
Flow Regulator
Site conditions will determine the flow regulator
For gravity fed / other low pressure systems
(0.5 bar or below) remove the outlet flow regulator.
Flow regulators are supplied with this product
and should be fitted in High Pressure systems
to either;
Reduce Excessive Force and Flow Rate
Reduce Noise through the mixer due to
high or unequal pressures
Stabilise incoming supply temperatures
25 mm
Spill Over