How To Use Foot Pedal
The Foot Pedal is a convenient device to engage/release the drive roller to/from the rear tire quickly, and
it keeps the proper pressure of the drive roller to the tire without adjusting everytime you use the TWIN.
To maintain the tire life as long as possible, you should adjust correctly, especially in the beginning.
<Pedal Operation>
To engage the roller:
Push down the pedal
(Fig. S)
To release the roller:
Pull up the pedal
(Fig. T)
While we call this a "Foot Pedal", we do not recommend you use your foot to operate it.
For accurate adjustment, please use your hand.
How To Maintain Proper Roller Pressure
Lift up the Mag unit towards the rear tire until the
clearance between the tire and roller is about 2 mm.
While keeping this position, turn the red adjust knob
under the Foot Pedal clockwise until the inside bolt
touches the black steel base plate (see Fig. U).
At this point, stop tightening the knob and gently but firmly
push down the Pedal to engage the tire to the roller.
It is normal that the tire is compressed by 3-4 mm.
Adjust the knob if the contact is not too much nor too little.
Now, hop on your bike and give it a spin. If your tire slips, tighten the knob in 1/4 - 1/2 turns more.
If the tire drags or you smell burning rubber, back off contact until you achieve proper contact.
If the roller pressure to the tire is not adjusted properly, premature tire wear can be
expected. Too little pressure is worse than too much pressure for good tire life.
If always using the same bike and tire, no further adjustment should be needed than operating the pedal.
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Foot Pedal
Adjust Knob
Inflate the rear tire to maintain the air pressure
properly. Too less air pressure should cause
premature tire wear.
(Fig. S)
(Fig. T)
(Fig. U)