Training Drills - Outdoor
Drill O-10: Single Duel (SD)
: One lifter (1) and one spotter (2) are positioned as shown in Fig. 47 on one FLIPPER. The
weight is loaded evenly on the FLIPPER. Consult the Loading Chart for the appropriate weight
loading on each weight pin. The athletes used in this drill should all be of similar strength and
power development on a FLIPPER. The two or more FLIPPERS may be used for multiple athletes
lifting simultaneously. When using multiple FLIPPERS, they should be spaced sufficiently apart so
that there is no risk of collision between the FLIPPERS as they are moved down the course.
: The first lifter (1) lifts the FLIPPER over. Immediately after, the spotter (2) takes a
position on the opposite side and lifts the FLIPPER over to the original position with the first lifter
(2) acting as a spotter. This is continued, alternating lifters, for a set number of flips. When both
lifters have completed their lifts, this constitutes one cycle.
An alternative is to use two consecutive flips per lifter. In this protocol, the FLIPPER may be
loaded unevenly so that each lifter has a “heavy/light” or “light/heavy” two-lift sequence. The
heavier lift will focus more on strength-speed power development where the lighter lift will focus
more one speed-strength power.
Intensity/Duration: The number of cycles is inversely related to the intensity (weight loaded on
the FLIPPER). The number of cycles or flips per cycle may be any number desired. It is suggested
to keep the number of reps per cycle less than four for more effective power development. En
durance training comes from not only the number of reps per cycle, but also the numbers of
cycles the athletes complete. For a single flip per athlete per cycle, a weight of 80% of 1RM for
8-12 flips each is suggested.
Fig 47