Training Drills - Outdoor
Drill O-3: 2-Man Relay, even load (2MR, E)
: One lifter (1) and one spotter (2) are positioned as shown in Fig. 40. The weight is loaded
evenly on the FLIPPER. Consult the Loading Chart for the appropriate weight loading on each
weight pin. The athletes used in this drill should all be of similar strength and power develop
: The first lifter (1) lifts the FLIPPER over. Immediately after the spotter (2) and the lifter
(1) switch positions and the new lifter (2) lifts the FLIPPER over. This is continued, alternating lift
ers, for either a set number of flips (e.g. 5-10) or to reach a certain distance marker on the field
(e.g. 20-30 yards). The lifter should be completing each lift in less than 10 seconds. Upon reach
ing the goal (distance or number of flips) the first Lifter/Spotter team (1) and (2) are replaced by a
second pair (3) and (4), who repeat the process back in the opposite direction. A third team ((5)
and (6) take over, driving the FLIPPER in the original direction. Upon reaching their goal, one cycle
is completed and the original team (1) and (2) take over and the process starts again.
Intensity/Duration: The number of reps is inversely related to the intensity (weight loaded on the
FLIPPER). The number of flips per cycle and the number of cycles may be any number desired. It
is suggested to keep the number of reps less than 10 per lifter for more effective power develop
ment. Endurance training comes from not only the number of reps per cycle, but also the num
bers of cycles the athletes complete.
Fig 40