Handlebar Bag
Adjust the strap of the handlebar
bag to the desired length and slip
over the handlebar.
Position the bag behind the hooks
on either side of the handlebar to
keep it in place.
Maximum weight limit is 2kg. Be
careful carrying liquids – hot liquids
may burn you or your child.
Infant Support Set
Attach the head cushion by
threading the Velcro straps through
the seat liner and securing behind.
The infant support set is designed to be used with the seat liner
to provide a cosy space for your little one.
Adjust the harness and
attachments as necessary to the
height of your child.
These attachments can be used
for as long as your child finds them
Attach the side cushions by
threading the Velcro tab through
the waist slots of the seat liner.
Secure behind the seat liner.
Milo2 Accessories cont.