split-lock washer, an M5 flat washer, and a regular M5 nut. You will need your needle nose pliers
to hold the nut as you tighten up the screw, but wait until you get the belt routed to tighten it up
all the way so you can wiggle this pulley around to the right position.
Route the belt from the bottom right anchor
point, around the motor pulley, then pull it behind
the X Axis Bearing Plate, around the Idler Pulley
Assembly, and push the end through the
outermost slot on the bottom left of the X Axis
Bearing Plate. Remember to tighten the mounting
screw for the Idler Pulley Assembly once you
know it’s lined up with the belt. Run the end of
the belt through the front side of the bottom left
vertical slot. Have your zip tie ready, and tension
this by holding the belt in
place as your pull it in the same direction the belt was already going. If you fold it back over
itself now and try to pull it tight, you won’t get any tension. Get tension, hold it in place, then
fold it back to mesh the teeth together. Once secured, slide the X Axis Bearing Plate back and
forth by hand a bit. If the belt tries to run up or down off the idler, follow the same procedure of
loosening and tightening fasteners you used to solve this problem on the Y Axis Belt.
Good job on the progress! If you ordered the Homing Switches or the Rigidity Upgrade, continue
you ordered this upgrade)
You should have already installed the Z homing
switch when you assembled the X Axis Bearing Plate.
Start by affixing the X and Y homing switches to the
Homing Switch Plates. For each one, you will need (1)
Homing Switch Plate, (1) Homing Switch, (2) M3x20
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