Instruction Manual
Page 13
Wedge Squareness Alignment
Before checking the wedge alignment, set the speed control to its
lowest setting, the drive delay to its highest setting, and close the
weld rollers.
1. Swing the wedge into place by depressing the drive foot pedal
or the start button. Once the wedge swing has reached the weld
position, view the placement of the wedge with respect to the weld
rollers then release the drive foot pedal or depress the stop button.
2. The squareness alignment of the wedge must be on center line
with the weld rollers.
3. If the squareness of the wedge is rotated off the center line of the
weld rollers an adjustment will be required.
4. To adjust the wedge squareness, the wedge must first be in the
home position.
5. Locate and loosen the left/right adjustment locking bolts and
adjust the wedge system rotation depending on required position of
the wedge to the weld rollers.
6. After adjustments have been made, re-check the position of the
wedge with respect to the weld rollers. See step one.