1) After the warm-up, if the device is powered off for a short time, it will not warm up again.
2) If the device detects the threshold reaches during the warm-up, it will stop warming up and
send alarms.
3) Ensure the location of smartphone NFC area and it’s recommended to take off phone case.
4) If the smartphone fails to read/write configurations via NFC, keep the phone away and back
to try again.
5) GS101 can also be configured by a dedicated NFC reader, which can be purchased from
Milesight IoT.
3.2 LoRaWAN Settings
LoRaWAN settings are used for configuring the transmission parameters in LoRaWAN
Basic LoRaWAN Settings:
Go to “
LoRaWAN Settings
” to configure join type, App EUI, App Key and other information. You
can also keep all settings by default.