Configure Cell 1 radio parameters:
CellIdentity: 257
CandidateARFCNList: 38400
Note: EARFCN in Downlink, the Uplink EARFCN will be configured automatically by HeNB.
CandidatePCIList: 0..503
Note: Range from 0 to 503, HeNB will select PCI automatically.
FreqBandIndicator: 39
DL Bandwidth: 100
Note: 20MHz ↔ 100, 15 MHz ↔ 75, 10MHz ↔ 50, 5MHz ↔ 25.
UL Bandwidth: equal to DL Bandwidth value.
ReferenceSignalPower: -14
Note: Reference signal power, -14 means (-14+31) 17dBm, max value for product is 9 which will be (9+31) 40dBm.