Development System EasydsPIC6
Microcontroller pins for programming (PGD, PGC and MCLR) are not directly connected to the on-board programmer, but via a multiplexer.
The multiplexer is used to disconnect the microcontroller pins used for programming from the rest of the board while the programming
process is under way. As soon as the programming process starts, the multiplexer automatically disconnects pins for programming from
the development system. In this case, these pins cannot be used as I/O pins. When the programming process is complete, the multiplexer
reconnects these pins to the development system, after which they can be used as I/O pins.
During the programming, the multiplexer disconnects
the microcontroller pins used for programming
from the rest of the board and connects them to
programmer. When the process
of programming is complete, these pins are
automatically disconnected from the programmer
and may be used as input/output pins.
Figure 3-4:
Programmer schematic