Development System EasydsPIC6
18.0. On-Board 2x16 LCD
On-board 2x16 LCD display is connected to the microcontroller by means of a port expander. In order to use this display, it is necessary
to set switches 1-6 on the DIP switch SW10 to ON position, thus connecting the on-board LCD to the port expander’s PORT1. DIP
switch SW11 enables SPI communication between the port expander and the microcontroller. Potentiometer P5 is used to adjust the
on-board display contrast.
Unlike 2x16 LCD, the on-board LCD has no backlight, but similar to 2x16 LCD, this display also displays digits in two lines each
containing up to 16 characters of 7x5 pixels.
Figure 18-2
: On-board 2x16 LCD and microcontroller connection schematic
On-board programmer is connected to the microcontroller via port expander
Figure 18-1
: On-board 2x16 LCD
Contrast adjustment
potentiometer P5
DIP switch SW9 used to
turn on on-board 2x16 LCD