piece
&
the
king,
or
by
moving
their
king.
If
they
can’t
do
this
then
the
king
is
‘checkmated’
&
the
game
is
over.
Checkers
is
a
board
game
for
two
people.
To
play
you
need
the
following:
board
divided
into
squares
with
along
each
side
(the
squares
are
alternately
coloured
light
&
dark
–
most
commonly
red
&
black)
&
a
set
of
pieces
for
each
player
(one
set
each
of
dark
&
light).
The
board
should
be
set
up
as
shown:
The
Object
of
the
Game
–
player
must
capture
all
their
opponent’s
pieces
or
position
their
own
pieces
so
that
their
opponent
is
unable
to
make
any
move.
The
Basics
–
The
players
sit
facing
each
other
with
the
board
positioned
so
that
each
player
has
a
dark
square
at
the
left
end
of
their
first
row.
Each
player
places
their
pieces
in
the
dark
squares
of
the
first
three
rows
on
their
side
of
the
board.
The
player
with
the
darker
pieces
always
makes
the
first
move.
Moves
are
made
diagonally
&
only
one
move
may
be
made
on
each
turn.
You
can
only
move
your
player
into
a
square
if
it
is
vacant.
If
one
of
your
pieces
is
next
to
one
of
your
opponent’s
pieces
&
the
square
beyond
is
free,
then
you
must
jump
over
your
opponent’s
piece
which
is
then
removed
from
the
board
(captured).
You
can
jump
from
vacant
square
to
vacant
square
several
times
in
a
row
with
the
same
piece
&
capture
several
of
your
opponent’s
pieces.
Once
a
piece
has
reached
the
far
end
of
the
board
it
becomes
a
king
(this
is
signified
by
stacking
two
checkers
on
top
of
each
other).
king
can
move
&
jump
diagonally
both
forwards
&
backwards.
Kings
can
be
captured
like
any
other
piece.
The
Finer
Points
–
You
must
make
your
move
with
the
first
piece
that
you
touch
unless
you
have
given
notice
that
you
intend
to
arrange
your
pieces
properly
in
their
squares.
If
you
touch
an
unplayable
piece
you
receive
a
‘caution’
&
if
you
commit
a
second
offense
you
forfeit
the
game.
You
must
make
your
move
within
five
minutes.
If
you
fail
to
move
an
appointed
time
‐
keeper
will
call
‘time’
&
you
then
have
one
minute
to
make
your
move
or
you
forfeit
the
game.
Backgammon
is
a
game
for
two
players.
To
play
you
need
the
following:
backgammon
board,
men
(also
called
checkers,
stones
or
counters),
at
least
one
(preferably
two)
pairs
of
dice,
a
dice
box,
and
a
doubling
cube
(for
more
advanced
games).
The
board
should
be
set
up
as
shown: