Veal knuckle
Preparation time: 125 minutes
Serves 4
For the veal knuckle
1 tbsp. oil
1 ½ tsp. salt
½ tsp. pepper
1 veal knuckle (1.5 kg), ready to cook
1 onion
1 clove
2 carrots
80 g celery
1 tbsp. tomato paste
800 ml veal stock
For the sauce
75 g cream
1 ½ tbsp. cornflour
1 tbsp. water | cold
Gourmet oven dish with lid
Glass tray
Food probe
Hand-held blender
Fine sieve
Mix together the oil, salt and pepper;
then coat the veal knuckle with it.
Quarter the onion and stick the clove
into it. Peel and roughly dice the celery
and carrots.
Place the vegetables, tomato paste and
veal knuckle in the Gourmet oven dish.
Insert the food probe. Cover the
Gourmet oven dish, place on the glass
tray in the oven and cook.
After 35 minutes, take off the lid. After
another 30 minutes, add ¼ of the stock.
Repeat this every 30 minutes.
Remove the veal knuckle and
vegetables from the oven. Take the
clove out of the onion.
Place the vegetables and juices in a
saucepan and make a purée. Pass the
purée through a sieve, pour in the
cream and bring to the boil.
Stir the cornflour into the water and
then add it to the sauce to aid
thickening. Briefly bring back to the
boil. Season with salt and pepper to