Now that the drive plate and wide drive rings have been removed, place
a 3/16” collet into the collet holder. Insert the spindle halfway above
the fork, into the collet. Once the collet is tightened, use a flat head
screwdriver to unscrew the spindle bolt. Then pull the various pieces
apart and place on your work surface.
You can now place the nosepiece in a 13/32” collet. Unscrew the sheath
housing from it while simultaneously depressing the latch. This will
keep the flange on the nosepiece from being caught up.
STEP 6 (Only perform this step if the latch is damaged)
If you need to replace the latch on the sheath housing, place it over two
v-blocks. Hold a small punch or pin with a set of tweezers over one end
of the pin in the housing. Gently tap the pin out of the housing and
remove the latch and spring. The replacement latch kit is part# 40503.
STEP 7 (Only perform this step if necessary)
To remove the dog pins (40459) from the drive
plate, place the plate into the crows foot shaped
hole on your block (far left pic). Then use a thin
punch to drive the pins out of the holes. To remove
any of the bushing posts, place the plate upside
down over Hole #6 in your block (above right picture). Again
use a thin punch to drive the post(s) out of the drive plate. To
the left is a picture of the bushing and bushing post disassembled
from the drive plate.
STEP 8 (Perform this step only if bearing is broken)
If the small 40435 bearings on the drive ring spindle are damaged,
they must be replaced. Accomplish this repair by placing the
damaged bearing upside down in one of the holes on your block as
shown in the picture at left. Place a thin punch over the back of the
bearing post and tap it out. The disassembled bearing post should
contain the 40435 bearing, and a brass 40453 spacer washer as
The nose portion disassembly should now be complete. Line up your parts like that
shown in the picture on the following page. All of these parts are replaceable and all can
be ultrasonically cleaned.