1. Set the countertop in place with the unfinished,
underside facing up. Position the sink upside down,
centered over the sink cutout with equal amounts of
overhang or reveal visible on all sides of the sink.
2. With a pencil or fine-tipped marker, trace the outer rim
of the sink to the underside of the countertop.
3. With denatured alcohol, wipe down the underside of
the countertop where the sink rim and anchoring posts
will be adhered to.
4. With an epoxy, bond the undermount sink anchoring
posts to the underside of the countertop at the four
corners and central locations along the cutouts width
and length
. Be sure the posts are next to your
traced line, but not inside the area where the sink rim
will adhere to the countertop. Mix the 2 part epoxy
thoroughly, otherwise the epoxy will not set. Apply epoxy
to cleaned mounting locations and press the mounting
posts into the epoxy in the anchoring locations. Smooth
the epoxy around the anchoring posts and let the epoxy
dry for a minimum of 20 minutes. (Fig. D&H)
(NOTE: Do not place anchoring posts in front of sink.)
5. Run a quarter-inch bead of silicone caulk inside the
traced sink rim area on the underside of the countertop.
6. Position the undermount sink within the traced area
and butting up to the anchoring posts, press down firmly.
7. Attach undermount sink to the anchoring posts with
supplied brackets and wing nuts. Wait approximately one
hour for caulk to set before moving the countertop section
for final placement.
Fig. F
1. Using a shim, level up the marked areas that
were made in step 2. Apply dime-size dabs of
silicone caulk along the front and back edge of the
cabinet run.
2. With help, slowly position countertop above the
mounting surface.
3. Gradually tip the countertop to a horizontal
position. Be aware of upper cabinets and installed
sinks (if applicable).
4. Once in final position, firmly apply downward-
pressure to seat the top in the caulk.
Fig. H
Fig. L
1. Level and attach standard 2x4 wood to the
wall between countertop cabinets.
2. Make sure the dishwasher is centered
between the cabinets. Align dishwasher clips
to the brackets on the dishwasher.
3. Epoxy the dishwasher clips to the
underside of your countertop and let them
dry for a minimum of 20 minutes before
installing the dishwasher.
(Fig. M)
Fig. J
Fig. I
Fig. D
Fig. E
Fig. G
Fig. K
Fig. M
Fig. N
Fig. O
4) Undermount Sink Installation (If Applicable)
5) Dishwasher Clip Installation (If Applicable)
6) Install Smaller Countertop Pieces without Seam
7) Dishwasher Clips
4) Silicone Caulk
8) Epoxy
6 & 8) Undermount Sink Clips &
4) Silicone Caulk
Fig. 4
Fig. 6
Fig. 8