Skins Game
Troubleshooting - 3
3. Check that hard disk drive is correct part. A label
with assembly number and software version
appears on each drive.
Wrong component
Verify that ROM instruction set and CPU Board set are
correct. Components are marked with manufacturer
name, assembly number and hardware version.
Wrong voltage
1. Turn AC power on. Using 20-volt DC setting on a
digital voltmeter, measure DC voltages present at
power connector pins. 5V source if it is
adjustable. Refer to cabinet Wiring Diagram.
2. Using the 2-volt AC setting on a digital voltmeter,
measure the same DC voltages as above. Any
reading indicates that the supply voltages are
unstable and may contain ripple or noise.
Audio Problems
Suggested Solution
Poor connection
1. Press TEST MODE pushbutton to enter Menu
System. Choose ADJUST VOLUME. Ensure Attract
Mode and game volume levels are not at zero.
Adjust levels if necessary to produce sound.
2. Inspect wiring harnesses and verify connections as
indicated by the Cabinet Wiring Diagram.
3. Using 20-volt DC setting on a digital voltmeter,
measure DC voltages present at power connector
pins. 5V, -5V and +12V sources. Refer to
Cabinet Wiring Diagram.
4. Using 2-volt AC setting on a digital voltmeter,
measure same DC voltages as above. Any reading
here indicates that the supply voltages are unstable
and may contain ripple or noise.
Bad IC
Place CPU Board in known good machine. Repair or
replace if audio is non-functional.
muffled, missing
Low hum present
Faulty speakers
1. Press TEST MODE to enter Menu System.
2. From the Self-Test Menu, choose SOUND TESTS
to verify some audio circuit functions.
3. Turn AC power OFF. Remove grill and that each
speaker is full range (100 Hz to 10 KHz response)
and rated for at least 10 watts.
Bad wiring
1. Turn AC power off. Remove grille. Ensure no loose
parts are caught in speaker cones, terminals,
mounting screws, or stuck to magnets.
2. Ensure wiring is not reversed on a speaker. Weak,
low frequencies and thin or hollow sound quality
suggests incorrectly phased speakers.
3. Verify wiring against Cabinet Wiring Diagram.
Ensure there is a separate wire (not a common
return) for each speaker. Ensure cabinet ground
wires are connected.