6. Functions and buttons (1)
LED Indication
Turning it on
System preparation
The blue and red LEDs are turned on after w
aiting for about 20 seconds during the bootin
g process. They will be turned off when the b
ooting process ends.
Long beep–
Turning it off
The file that is being recorded ends safely afte
r the power is turned off.
The blue and red LEDs will stay turned on u
ntil they are turned off at the time of ending.
Entering the GPS data
GPS operation
The green LED will blink.
REC button
(“R” button)
Pushing it once shortly
An event will be generated manually and the r
elevant video, taken from 10 seconds before t
he incident to 20 seconds after it, will be store
d in the event folder.
The red LED will blink fast during the saving
process (the green LED will blink when the G
PS module is connected).
Short beep, beep when the
saving process starts. Short
beep (once) after the saving
process ends
MODE button
(“M“ button)
Pushing it long (longer than 10 se
Formatting the micro SD card (only possible in
the continuous mode).
The green and blue LEDs will blink. After the
formatting process ends, the system will rest
Formatting starts: long beep
Formatting ends: long beep
Pushing it long (longer than 5 sec
onds) in the parking mode and rel
easing it
Turning on Wi-Fi
The green LED for the mini USB Wi-Fi dongl
e will blink.
Short beep, beep
Turning off Wi-Fi
The green LED for the mini USB Wi-Fi dongl
e will be turned off.
Short beep, beep
Pushing it for 3–5 seconds and re
leasing it.
Turning on the audio recording
The red LED will blink slowly (every second).
Short beep, beep when shift
Turning off the audio recording
The red LED will blink normally (every 3 seco
Pushing it thrice consecutively
Shifting the front and rear cameras to the vide
o-out mode
No change in the state.
Short beep, beep when shift
When successfully updating through the micro
SD card
The blue and red LEDs will blink alternately.
When the updating process ends, the syste
m will be rebooted for operation.
Short beep, beep when star
Short beep, beep when end
When failing to update through the micro SD c
The blue and red LEDs will be turned off afte
r waiting while staying turned on. The system
will be rebooted for operation.
Short beep, beep, beep, be
ep when failing, which will b
e repeated thrice every two