MND3RACCPLME (continued)
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P a g e 1 0 - 2 2 0 - 1 R E V : B
Now that all the wiring is done we need to power things up. We will start by powering the Magnum
inverter on and checking the programming. Shown below is a close up shot of the breakers. Below is an
explanation of what they all do and how you want them for Normal operation as well as the sequence for
power up.
From Left to Right you have:
*15 amp 120 vac general use outlet.
*15 amp AC breaker for the general use outlet. (This should be on at all times)
*Invert or Bypass Slider. Up is Normal and down by passes the Magnum inverter. (This will normally
always be up)
*30 amp 120/240 Input breaker from the utility main panel. (This would normally always be on)
*15 amp 120/240 Input from the Grid tie inverter. (This will normally be on but leave it off for the initial
power up)
*1 amp DC breaker to power the Relay for the Grid tie inverter, this should always be on.
*250 amp DC battery breaker for the Magnum inverter. (This will normally be on but should be off during