Operating voltage for IC15 is controlled as follows. During transmit, an active high signal from the logic
board, TX2 IN, CN6-6, turns on the top half of Q11 which turns on Q21 applying voltage to IC15. An
UNLOCK active high signal from the PLL circuit Q7-C controls the lower half of Q11. When the PLLNCO
is out of lock, the top half is prevented from turning on. This disables the transmitter.
The power output section of PM-1 operates directly from un-switched battery voltage. Voltage is present
SECTION. All earlier amplifier stages operate from switched, controlled voltage which is under control of
the power-off timer switch IC13.
The PLL function is performed by IC3. Reference Oscillator OSC1 sends a 12.0 MHz signal to IC3-1
where it is divided to a reference frequency of 5.0, 10, or 12.5 kHz by counters under control of data from
the logic board on pins 9, 10, and 11. A sample of the RF signal from the VCO from CN2-4 RF is applied
to IC3-8. This is divided by 64 in a pre-scaler and further divided to the same 5, 10 or 12.5 kHz reference,
also under control of data from the logic board. This data changes depending on the selected channel
and PTT line. The two references are compared by a phase detector to produce a phase difference
voltage on pin 5. Q5 and Q6 are charge pumps which are used in developing the phase difference
voltage. This passes through a loop filter composed of D9, D10 and associated components and
becomes the control voltage applied to the VCO at CN2-6 where it is used to vary the capacity of
varactors used in tuning the oscillator frequency. This control voltage is also buffered by IC4 and is used
as a tuning voltage for the receiver RF section. Switch IC5 speeds up the loop filter to allow rapid
frequency shifts in the scan mode.
If the VCO is out of lock, a logic low appears at pin 7. This is inverted by Q7 and is applied to Q11 to
disable the transmitter.
The radio operating firmware is programmed into the CPU, IC203, at time of manufacture. The Logic Unit
provides most of the control for the radio as indicated in the various sections discussed above, using
firmware stored in IC203 and data stored in memory IC201. Regulator IC205 provides 5 V to power the
board. IC204 resets the Microprocessor on “power up.” A manual reset may be done by shorting the two
points marked RESET. These are located near IC201.
IC202 is the DTMF encoder/decoder. FVR201 adjusts the tone output level to the audio processor IC8.
Tone input at CN6-16 TONE IN goes to the decoder IC202-2. This signal comes from the Audio
Processor IC8-48. A successful decode is sent to the CPU and to the main unit on CN6-4 to open the
Squelch Gate.
IC201 is a memory chip which stores data programmed into the radio. This includes frequencies, channel
names, CTCSS/DCS, ANI, encode/decode numbers and all timer data entered during initial
Please refer to the Radio Operation section for complete information on use of the various controls. The
Control Unit connects at CN4. This unit contains the channel/squelch switch, volume control, keypad
speaker, display, control switches for scan, monitor and shift and the microphone connector. The
channel/squelch switch sends pulses to the Logic Unit to select channels or adjust the squelch. This
switch is also used to select call numbers stored in memory.
Q401 supplies reduced voltage to the LCD backlight LED’s. Q404 changes the brightness of the
backlight under control of LED control signal from the logic board on CN4-11 LED.