USB doesn’t work . . .
Is power switch on power-on position?
Is the keyboard is recognized by USB?
If you connect the keyboard to the computer by USB, it should be recognized. You can hear a
short sound and the computer shows the name of the keyboard (Miditech...).
If this not happens there should maybe a technical problem in the hardware of the keyboard or
your computer. You can see in the device manager if the keyboard is recognised!
Look at „Start
System control
Device manager at
Audio/Video/Game controller for the keyboard settings.
Do you have set midi input port at your music program? Important, otherwise no midi data
can be received, please Check!
Do you have too much midi-devices on the USB-port? The USB-port only delivers 500mA of
Current. In this case use a self powered USB-Hub!
Did you test different USB-inputs of your computer? Sometimes a single USB-input doesn’t
Do you use a separate USB-Hub? Please check without the hub!
Do you test the keyboard on other computer systems, maybe by a friend, music shop?
If the keyboard works there, this must be a problem of your computer!
Do you have installed all service packs of your computer?
If not please do first and try again
Power supply does not work . . .
If the unit isn’t powered by power-supply, try to connect by USB-Connection. If it works
normal, the power-supply may be damaged.
Maybe we have some troubleshooting on our homepage, please have a look first!
If everything doesn’t help . . .
You can write an e-mail to our friendly hotline
and we try to help you.
We normaly reply your mail within some days, if not please try again!