B2316 User Manual V1.0
Note: In this mode device will auto switch Outdoor GPS and indorr WiFi
9.8 Setup Protocol
9.8.1 Setup to TCP
SMS Command format: protocol, password,1,X#
For examples: protocol,0000,1,0#
Reply: protocol=success!
Note: X=1, means response ACK, X=0, means do not need response ACK.
9.8.2 Setup to UDP
SMS Command format: protocol,password, 0,Y#
For examples: protocol,0000,0,0#
Reply: protocol=success!
Note: Y=1, means response ACK, Y=0, means do not need response ACK.
9.9 Rconf
SMS Command format : rconf,0000,0#
After send this command, the device will reply as follow:
866425032478242,nbiot,,,,7700,6,60,Cat M1, GPS,TCP, B2316B.0PT.DT12
According the above message and we can get the info as follow:
ID: 866425032478242
APN: nbiot
Working mode: Mode,6,60#
Network mode: CAT M1
Positioning mode: GPS Only
Protocol: TCP
9.10 Reboot
SMS Command format : reboot,0000,0#
The device will restart after send this command.
Reply: reboot=Success!
9.11 Reset
SMS Command format : reset,0000,0#
The device will reset to default after send this command.
Reply: reset=Success!
9.12 OTA
Use the Bluetooth App to upgrade the firmware or config the devices